Our Goal is to help you and your dog become the best team you can be. Whether you will be running hunt tests, or just going to be hunting over your 4 legged best friend. We want to help you get the end result.
Our training tactics are a little different then most of the other Retriever groups. On our training day you never know what we are going to have you doing. One day we may be running a hunt test scenario, the next time you may be running your dog from a boat through decoys (like you would Hunting) and there might even be a day where we just do marking or lining drills.
We encourage everyone to come with their dogs of ALL ages and ALL breeds. Even if your puppy is too young to run, it’s great to bring it out and get it used to the commotion. Ontop of good Retriever work, we have upland guys as well. And we try to have a few upland training days as well. Most of our members are also part of other HRC groups, AKC groups or NAVHDA groups. We do not discriminate against anyone.